Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Previously Evie had been referred to and began the program in Edmonton but withdrew for a number of reasons two of which were, one it was too far away to get to the appointments all the time, and two she wasn’t ready to do anything permanent (surgery) to her body until she was sure that all other avenues of weight loss had been exhausted.

This leads us to where out story starts, August of last year. After having tried every diet, weight loss plan, and magic pill, Ally and I were doing research on the Internet into different programs and options. Having previously been to the Calgary weight management center and finding it not very helpful for us. We had been looking into different programs when we came across information on the Red Deer Bariatric Specialty Clinic program. After an appointment with our family doctor we had a referral sent in to the clinic. There is a four to six month waiting period, and we got our call in December 2012, for an appointment in February 2013.

Having heard many different stories of what would happen we were nervous and not sure what to expect. We were worried that we were going to be the “biggest” people there and that the program would be run by a bunch of skinny people telling us what to do. But we agreed that whatever we had to go thru to get the surgery we would do. At this point we are at the ends of our ropes and were looking at this as our last chance.

When we got there we were directed to a large room with tables and chairs, and people slowly streamed in. And we were happy to see that we were not the biggest people there, it was actually a more diverse group than we were expecting, men, women, young, old, big and bigger. There were even some quite skinny people who had come to support their family members. Although our fears were confirmed regarding the people running the program, everyone is quite small. Someone asked if anyone who worked there had been thru the program or any weight loss surgery and the answer is no. But they are quite nice and understanding, thru this entire process neither of us once got the impression that they were looking down on us.

Basically as the orientation they go over what each or the surgery options are (Lap Band, Sleeve, and RNY Gastric Bypass), the statistics on them, the processes of the program and what they expect from you (monthly appointments and food journaling).

They had made the mistake of telling us that one of the staff was at the back of the room to make out first nurse appointments for us when we were done. No sooner than the words were out of her mouth did Ally zipped right over there to make our appointments. Since we live in Calgary, which is about an hour and a half from Red Deer and neither of us drive, we are only able to get there once a month so our appointments have to be on the same day. Ally was the first one over there and made out appointments for the following week on February 7, 2013.

We left optimistic and looking forward to our next appointments.
XOXO, Evie and Ally