Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Mexican Rat-Squirrel?

After landing we managed to somehow be in the first wave of people off the plane, which turned out to be a humiliating mistake. When we exited the plane there was a wheelchair waiting for me. I got in and the ported proceeded to try and push me up the ramp. I say “try” because that is exactly what he did he tried and failed to push me up the ramp alone. He had to have someone else help him push me up the incline and the bumps in the ramp. The entire time this is going on and they are trying to get me up to the gate there is a whole plane load of people waiting to get off the plane. It was so embarrassing I wanted to disappear. They were not as helpful on this end as they were on the Canadian end of our journey. After getting me up the ramp they basically told Ally “here she is luggage claim is downstairs, good luck” and then took off for parts unknown.

This is where the plan sort of goes askew. The day before we left we got a called from the Specialized Bariatrics driver Victor. He said that we had to have a phone and lacking that to find one and call him when we arrived. Finding a pay phone at baggage claim we went to phone him and discovered that the phone wouldn’t accept Canadian quarters and we were fresh out of American change. So Ally set out on a quest to get some change for a dollar and after asking four or five people was on her way back to me when a man who over heard her asking someone offered her the change. Phoning the diver was an experience as well because we could barely understand him on the phone. After a lot of confusion we finally got out of him to meet at something called meeting point Raul? Not knowing what this meant we went outside to wait and noticed that there were signs with letter on them where people were getting picked up. We went to sign “R” and waited for the green van he said he would be driving.

Green van turned out to be code for Blue van, but other than that we were in the right spot and he arrived pretty quickly. He helped put our bags into the back and then proceeded to drive us across the border to our hotel. Now those of you with a more conservative driving style might have a little problem here as people tended to drive like the lanes were suggestions and signaling your lane change was giving up a much guarded secret. Victor was a talker so I left that part up to Ally who is the more social of the pair of us. Border security, the new lay out, and lane times were all topics of discussion and he even had advice on how to get back into the States after surgery. The drive to our hotel was pretty uneventful otherwise, and the most interesting part was when Ally claimed to have seen some kind of “Mexican Rat-Squirrel” beside the road, some kind of poor rat/squirrel cross-breed.

Once at the hotel he escorted us to the check-in desk and told us that we would be hearing from someone named Raul later in the day. We tipped him five dollars American, still not sure if this was the right amount, and he left.

Next up our first stay at the hotel.

XOXO, Evie & Ally

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